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Aston Martin sketches out Le Mans-bound 2011 LMP1 racer

The Automobile Club de l'Ouest (ACO), which oversees various Le Mans series in Europe and elsewhere, laid out a number of changes to the 2011 LMP1-class cars, aiming to equalize performance between diesel- and gasoline-engined cars. Sniffing a chance to not only steal some thunder, but perhaps beat Audi and Peugeot over the head with it, Aston Martin plans a brand-new LMP1 entrant for 2011 to go for overall Le Mans victory.

An open cockpit, monococque single-seater with a new engine, it would be the first racing Aston developed entirely in-house in fifty years. The biggest X factor is whether, and how much, the regulations will actually work to close the diesel/gas disparity. If it's close, Aston Martin Chairman Dave Richards believes his company is in with a shout.